Hi! Jennifer and Cheryl,
Just a note to let you know how well the mares and Kelo's Dreamer are doing...
The few-spot mare #409 was underweight when she arrived...reallly looked pretty scrappy...the other two were nice and fat and fairly friendly.  #409 was very leery and shy...the typical bottom of the herd mare.  Now since she doesn't have to worry about getting enough to eat, she is comibng out of her shell.  She is still lame, but today bucked and tried to lope in the round pen...and let's us catch her and groom her without a catch rope on her halter and even comes to us.  A 12 year old boy has taken her on as his project and she stands in  cross ties and even let him cut a bridle path today without any fuss.  When she first came it took two people slowly from each side to catch her...she is loving her life, as far as i can tell.  She was vet checked and in not in foal, but I am actually thankful since she was in such poor condition when she came.