Hi Jennifer,
I hope you are good and Cheryl is home now. I wanted to show you how Mikko is coming along. He finally ate grain and now he loves it. He even paws the ground if I don't give it to him. He looks so much better even though he still needs to gain some more weight. This horse is not motivated by food. He grazes all day. Maybe that's why he was so thin up in ND.
In 2002 Lauren's mom Lisa called The Animali Farm. She explained, my daughter wants a horse, one that can jump. She had been looking at jumpers, and knew that a warmblood was out of their range. Her daughter (11 years old) had an affinity with animal's, and was taking riding lessons. They had an older Quarterhorse (still have him) and she was doing well with him. We suggested a nice yearling that we had at the farm, one we purchased at a PMU foal sale in 2001. Young horse, young horseperson... both amazing and tallented. Since that time Lauren had adopted several horses, the latest Mikko (Candyman). It will be funn following their journey from wild shaggy baby to amazing horse!
Hi Ladies